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The Buoyancy Project           Canessa Gallery, 2016

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A Study in Buoyancy and Respiration, 2016

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The Buoyancy Project was a site inspired art exhibit at Canessa Gallery in North Beach San Francisco. It begins with a photographic sequenced motion study in the style of Eadweard Muybridge. The goal was to record and reproduce the movement of a floating body through one cycle of respiration. Measurements were take from the motion study and transferred to the camshaft of the machine. When the viewer  pressesd a button the motor would drive the machine through a cycle of ascending and descending at the same rate as in the study.

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Mechanism of Accention, 2016

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The  Empathy Coat , 2015

copper screen, copper wire, brass grommets, springs, and pico nails


Self Internment , 2014

Solid oak chair has built in foot activated ratcheting hand cuffs. 

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Experiential Topography , 2013

nails, wood, shellac

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Boxing the Compass ,2013


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Sarcophagus Scale ,2013

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Manifold, 2010    cast bronze

the Flower Trap, 2011  

cast urethane, steel, brass, glass, cast ceramic, cable, hardware, and fish hooks

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Water Zodiac Globe, 2010

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True Grit, 2013  assemblage

post card for Scope 2013 Miami

What holds the world up, 2010

"For those of us inclined to poetic association the world is an allegorical cat slide. We plummet in slow motion on a desperate journey from innocence to decrepitude. A bumpy, dusty carriage ride with fear at the reigns and denial riding shotgun. We each must work diligently to crochet a parachute from the threads of chaos. For man the pattern maker finds just as much comfort in superstition as in science. "
        Thomas Van Houten
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